
May Day

We might not be able to march or parade but:

"For 130 years, workers around the world celebrated May Day.

They did so in times and places where that was incredibly difficult, where dicatorial regimes banned their actions, where employers and their thugs used violence against them.

Nothing could stop us from having our day, the day workers everywhere can call our own.

Nothing -- until COVID-19 came along.

Today, hundreds of millions of us are unable to go to our regular workplaces. Our frontline workers take enormous risks every day. The global economy is in free-fall and never before were our unions needed more than they are now.

May Day 2020 must go ahead, and if we can't meet in the streets, we'll meet online.

Tomorrow, Friday, LabourStart in partnership with global unions is going live with a 12 hour broadcast on the net.

We have everything you'd expect from a May Day celebration.

The leaders of global, national and local unions will deliver their May Day addresses.
Individual workers and activists will talk about their struggles.
We'll show historical footage of May Day in the past in places like London and Istanbul.
And we'll have music -- lots of music. In fact, we're participating in a global solidarity concert as part of the celebration.
I'd like to invite you to do two things this May Day:

1. Join us from 07:00 UTC (08:00 in London) until 19:00 here:

2. Make sure that other members of your union -- and the general public too -- know about this historic event. Spread the word!

Thank you -- and see you on May Day!

Eric Lee

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