
I had too much to dream last night

This piece of art is available as a signed print (A2 size) for the knock down price of £15* or is available as a greetings card at only £2.50* from here: http://www.tuppennyrainbow.com

*plus P&P

Please spread the word. Help a struggling artist, please.


Endure Hardness by Christina Georgina Rossetti

A cold wind stirs the blackthorn
To burgeon and to blow,
Besprinkling half-green hedges
With flakes and sprays of snow.

Through coldness and through keenness,
Dear hearts, take comfort so:
Somewhere or other doubtless
These make the blackthorn blow.

How art can inspire solidarity across borders | Tate

How do artists create work within their communities, in a way that helps us see injustice and shows us the way towards change? In this film ...